Shana Hullender, NTP, RWP-1

Shana Hullender is a holistic Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Level 1 Restorative Wellness Practitioner, and owner of Hullender Healing, LLC. Her focus is pro-metabolic nutrition, gastrointestinal healing, microbiome analysis, and detox.

After suffering for years from a laundry list of health issues that traditional doctors and medications weren’t able to get to the bottom of (including GI distress, ADHD, depression, cystic acne, chronic illness/infections, and more), Shana stumbled into the world of functional health and learned how to address the root of her issues, rather than treating symptoms. She is now passionately dedicated to educating and empowering others to do the same.

Shana’s holistic, root-cause approach uses nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle, and functional lab testing to optimize function, restore balance, and support your body’s innate ability to heal.

Meet shana

Shana’s specialties

  • Digestion / Gut Health

  • The Gut-Brain Connection

  • Heartburn / Acid Reflux

  • Liver / Gallbladder Dysfunction

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Nutrient Deficiencies / Mineral Balancing

  • ADHD / Depression / Anxiety

  • Energy + Fatigue

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Detox


1:1 Coaching

Work with me 1:1! This package is designed to provide you with individualized support and guidance in conquering your symptoms and achieving your health goals. Together we will identify imbalances and potential deficiencies, remove factors blocking your healing, and restore balance to the system.

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The GI-MAP Stool Analysis is a functional lab test used to assess gastrointestinal health. It uses DNA analysis to detect pathogens, gut microbiota imbalances, and inflammation. Results guide the creation of a protocol specifically tailored to tackle your unique gut issues.

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MRT food sensitivity test

The MRT food sensitivity test measures the release of chemical mediators, such as histamine and cytokines, from white blood cells when they come into contact with specific foods. Results provide a list of foods and food chemicals that may be causing inflammation and adverse reactions in the body.

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